
Srdx domain
Srdx domain

Protein modularity, cooperative binding, and hybrid regulatory states underlie transcriptional network diversification. Extensive DNA-binding specificity divergence of a conserved transcription regulator. De novo identification and biophysical characterization of transcription-factor binding sites with microfluidic affinity analysis. Fitness costs of R-gene-mediated resistance in Arabidopsis thaliana. Disease resistance or growth: the role of plant hormones in balancing immune responses and fitness costs. Heat-shock and stringent responses have overlapping protease activity in Escherichia coli: implications for heterologous protein yield. In pursuit of design principles of regulatory sequences. The sequence of spacers between the consensus sequences modulates the strength of prokaryotic promoters. Precise and reliable gene expression via standard transcription and translation initiation elements. Listening to the silent genes: transgene silencing, gene regulation and pathogen control. Transgene silencing by the host genome defense: implications for the evolution of epigenetic control mechanisms in plants and vertebrates. Silencing of transposable elements in plants. MOM1 mediates DNA‐methylation‐independent silencing of repetitive sequences in Arabidopsis. Vaillant, I., Schubert, I., Tourmente, S. An inspection of the domain between putative TATA box and translation start site in 79 plant genes. The TATA-box sequence in the basal promoter contributes to determining light-dependent gene expression in plants. Facilitated binding of GAL4 and heat shock factor to nucleosomal templates: differential function of DNA-binding domains. GAL4-VP16 is an unusually potent transcriptional activator.

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Molecular genetics of the RNA polymerase II general transcriptional machinery. Transcription factor TFIID induces DNA bending upon binding to the TATA element. Role of the TATA binding protein–transcription factor IIB interaction in supporting basal and activated transcription in plant cells. Core promoter sequence in yeast is a major determinant of expression level. GAL4 GFP enhancer trap lines for analysis of stomatal guard cell development and gene expression. GAL4-GFP enhancer trap lines for genetic manipulation of lateral root development in Arabidopsis thaliana. GFP variants for multispectral imaging of living cells. A synthetic biology framework for programming eukaryotic transcription functions. Designable DNA-binding domains enable construction of logic circuits in mammalian cells. Benchmarking of TALE- and CRISPR/dCas9-based transcriptional regulators in mammalian cells for the construction of synthetic genetic circuits. Tunable and multifunctional eukaryotic transcription factors based on CRISPR/Cas. Complex signal processing in synthetic gene circuits using cooperative regulatory assemblies. A library of synthetic transcription activator-like effector-activated promoters for coordinated orthogonal gene expression in plants.

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Synchronous long-term oscillations in a synthetic gene circuit. Production of benzylisoquinoline alkaloids in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biotechnology and synthetic biology approaches for metabolic engineering of bioenergy crops. Our findings demonstrate that these tools provide variation in transcriptional output while enabling the concerted expression of multiple genes in a tissue-specific and environmentally responsive manner, providing a basis for generating complex genetic circuits that process endogenous and environmental stimuli. This characterization of contributing genetic elements that dictate gene expression represents a foundation for the rational design of refined synthetic regulators. By leveraging orthogonal regulatory systems from Saccharomyces spp., we have developed a strategy for the design of synthetic activators, synthetic repressors, and synthetic promoters and have validated their use in Nicotiana benthamiana and Arabidopsis thaliana. We have successfully engineered a library of synthetic transcriptional regulators that modulate expression strength in planta. However, most efforts are hindered by a lack of characterized tools that allow for reliable and targeted expression of transgenes. Agricultural biotechnology strategies often require the precise regulation of multiple genes to effectively modify complex plant traits.

Srdx domain